Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A walk in the woods

We went out on a foraging expedition this morning, and didn't have to look too far... can you see the mushroom here?  To find black trumpets you really have to tune your eyes because they're hard to spot amidst the decaying leaves!
 Erin spotted this sea of caterpillars which clung to this tree trunk and remained very still unless you blew on them, at which point they would all squirm about en masse.  It was the strangest thing I have seen in a while!
 Kathy, searching amidst the witch hazel...
 We didn't pick this one, but I thought it sure was purty!
 This is what a short two hours allowed us to find.  Our winter cabinets will be chock-a-block full of mushroomy delights!


  1. It's quite a year for black trumpets, isn't it? A friend of ours in Round Pond literally stumbled over a patch just the other day. YUM!

  2. I know... we've been drying most of ours so we can enjoy them this winter. My brother-in-law powders them and then rolls cuts of meet in the powder before grilling. It's SO good!

    I was thinking of you just yesterday when I opened my first batch of kraut. Second batch nearly done. Any cabbage in your life? We should start a good batch if you haven't already. It's delish!
